
We believe we are called to praise the living and triune God in worship, to live out lives of love and charity toward the world, and to spread the good news of the Gospel to a world hungry for God.

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Our Bishop

Bishop Akiyama’s passion for living into the charisms of preaching, teaching, and the sacerdotal work of the priesthood continues to form her as a spiritual leader. Speaking the truth in love expressed through authenticity, trustworthiness, compassion and clarity of vision are the hallmarks of her spiritual leadership. 

Diocesan Land Acknowledgment

The Episcopal Church in Western Oregon recognizes the impact that its history has had on Indigenous communities in Oregon. The diocese occupies and works on the traditional, ancestral, unceded and ceded lands of many tribes throughout Western Oregon.

About the Episcopal Church in Western Oregon

From Astoria to Brookings, we are redefining what it means to follow Jesus. A diverse church with over 60+ congregations and ministries throughout western Oregon. We’re part of a global movement of more than 2.5 million and a member of the Anglican Communion in over 160 countries.

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